Heroes In The Eyes Of Anies: The Ones Who Put People First Above Personal Interests
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his views on the figure of a hero at the Hero's Day commemoration ceremony which was attended by the DKI Jakarta Regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda) ranks at the DKI Jakarta City Hall Courtyard.
According to Anies, today's hero is someone who puts the interests of many people above personal interests.
"Be each of us, heroes who choose to put the people above our personal interests. In one line, love your country beyond your love for ourselves. When that happens, God willing, our records are a journey to be called heroes," said Anies, Wednesday, November 10.
During the 1.5 years of the pandemic in Indonesia, Anies considered many individuals who deserved the title of heroes.
They are officers who handle COVID-19, ranging from people who detect the virus, people who deliver COVID-19 patients to health care facilities, to people who take care of these patients.
"They take care, they serve while knowing that they can be affected and feel the worst risk. During these 1.5 years, the Capital City has witnessed so many individuals who put the interests of the people first," said Anies.
However, Anies also found a number of people who were more concerned with personal matters than the interests of many people. They are people who smuggle oxygen cylinders to stockpile drugs.
"They are people who are not heroes, but they are traitors to the nation. We have been shown in this 1.5 years, which ones are exemplary, and which ones are not exemplary and humiliated," he concluded.