5 Ways To Shrink A Distended Stomach For Women, Can Be Done For Mothers After Childbirth

JAKARTA – Fat accumulates in the abdomen, especially in women after giving birth, can be overcome in various ways. A bulging stomach is a common experience, meaning you don't have to worry or even lower your self-confidence.

As reported by BellyBelly, Wednesday, November 10, the stomach naturally stores fat. Even before pregnancy, the fat that accumulates in the stomach is classified as a head class to be shed. Each time you eat a little more and lack of exercise, the pile can increase by a few centimeters.

Not good, belly fat can interfere with health. Belly fat is divided into two types, namely subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the visible layer of belly fat 'under the skin'. While visceral fat is fat that covers the internal organs.

Belly fat can be caused by various factors outside the habit and pregnancy. Contributing factors include genetics, hormone levels, and stress, and poor dietary choices.

That is, you need to do the right way to shrink the distended stomach so that it is tight again or at least healthier. Here are the ways you can do it:

1. Build healthy eating habits

After giving birth, especially during the breastfeeding period, you may not consider which foods are healthy and which are not. Because it's too focused on nutritional intake for your little one, don't get caught up eating unhealthy foods.

According to Kolata-based gynecologist, doctor Ratnabali Ghosh, eat between 1.800-2.000 calories daily if you are breastfeeding. Quoted from the Hindustan Times, eating often is different from eating a lot. Often eat with the right composition and size, especially combining protein and carbohydrates, can make your energy enough for breastfeeding as well as activities.

2. Reduce sugar intake

It is better if you eat natural foods such as vegetables and fruits. It is also good if you eat foods rich in protein so that it makes you full longer. Avoid foods with artificial sweeteners that make belly fat accumulate.

3. Special sports for mothers after giving birth

Diet or eating healthy foods contributes greatly to body fat levels, but exercise cannot be ignored. There is a special form of exercise for new mothers or mothers after giving birth which is guided by an instructor. Most effectively, an exercise that involves the entire body or major muscle groups can trigger metabolism so that fat can be burned into energy.

Lifting weights is one of the sports that can reduce a distended stomach and can be done for mothers after giving birth. This exercise can balance body composition, strengthen the back or core, and burn fat.

Sports movements such as planks, burpees, squats, flutter kicks, bicycle crunches can also be done for a few minutes by mothers after more than 3 months of giving birth.

4. Adequately hydrated

About 55-70 percent of the body is made up of water, so losing fluids can have serious consequences. Hydration can't be ignored, because it can interfere with concentration, decrease strength, fatigue, and make daily activities much more difficult. So choose mineral water so that the body's fluid needs are fulfilled, avoid replacing body fluids with soft drinks or caffeinated.

5. Get enough rest

Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day, which is as much as any other form of exercise. In addition to breastfeeding and compensating with a little exercise movement, you still need to consider getting enough rest.