Champion At Hylo Open 2021, Minions: Still Not Satisfied, Our Target Is Not Here

JAKARTA - The Indonesian men's doubles pair, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, managed to secure the title at the Hylo Open 2021. However, behind this achievement, The Minions admitted that they were not satisfied.

Kevin expressed his unsatisfied feeling after the game. This is related to performance which according to him is still not optimal.

"Not too satisfied with our performance, there is still a lot to improve," Kevin said as quoted from the official PBSI release, Monday, November 8.

Furthermore, Kevin also revealed that the Hylo Open 2021 competition was not their target to win.

"Our target is not actually here, we definitely want it to be like the World Championship. The peak performance while in Europe is in the Thomas Cup, we really went all out there," he explained.

Although Kevin said he was not satisfied with his performance in this event, his teammates revealed different things. Marcus admitted that they are still grateful, let alone being able to secure the title.

Only, Marcus said, in the Hylo Open 2021 they did not face many of the world's top players because on average they decided not to participate.

"Praise God, I'm grateful, I'm happy to win again," said Marcus.

"Here we try to take advantage of the situation because there are not many top players present, then just enjoy playing and have nothing to lose because you are definitely tired," he concluded.