Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs To BLBI Debtors: If You Don't Agree On The Amount Of Debt, Come To My Desk, Calculate

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, ordered the Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) to immediately confiscate the assets and guarantees of obligors/debtors who do not have good faith in paying their debts to the state.

Mahfud said that the decisive action was an effort by the government to accelerate the collection of BLBI funds.

"I, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs as the head of the Task Force (BLBI) ordered the Task Force Chair to confiscate the assets of obligors/debtors who have not fulfilled their obligations and do not want to fulfill the call of the BLBI Task Force to state when and how to pay them. This is an order to immediately confiscate their assets", said Mahfud at a press conference in Jakarta, Monday 8 November.

Mahfud explained that several debtors/obligors had paid their debts, the amount of which had been determined by the government. Several businessmen who have paid off their debts to the state include Anthoni Salim, Mohammad "Bob" Hasan, Sudwikatmono, and Ibrahim Risjad.

"The government has determined the debts of each obligor and debtor, and many of them paid and it was completed. For example, Anthoni Salim immediately paid, paid off, finished, Bob Hassan paid off", said Mahfud MD.

Therefore, he conveyed that the government must act fairly and firmly against borrowers who are reluctant to fulfill their obligations to pay their debts to the state.

"This is unfair if there are people who have been determined to have debts and then pay, (while) others do not pay, but run away, keep on negotiating. That is unfair. We will act fairly. This will be pursued", said Mahfud MD, asserting.

He also encouraged debtors/obligors to meet him in person and calculate together their debts to the state if they did not agree on the amount of debt set by the government.

"Come to my table, count them", said Mahfud, quoted from Antara.

The BLBI Task Force on Friday, November 5 confiscated 4 assets belonging to PT Timor Putra Nasional (TPN) as a follow-up to credit collection from several banks. The amount of debt that must be paid by PT TPN is around IDR 2.6 trillion.

PT TPN is a company owned by Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto, who is the fifth child of the Second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto.

So far, 4 assets belonging to PT TPN have been confiscated, namely land with an area of 530,125,526 m2 in Kamojing Village, Karawang Regency; a land area of 98,896,700 m2 in Kalihurip Village, Karawang Regency; land with an area of 100,985.15 m2 in Cikampek Pusaka Village, Karawang Regency; and a land area of 518,870 m2 in Kamojing Village, Karawang Regency.