Plenary Meeting Taps Palu Andika Perkasa Becomes Commander Of The Indonesian Armed Forces Attended By 366 Members

JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani chaired the DPR plenary meeting on Monday, November 8. According to the records of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, the list of attendees at today's plenary session was 366 members of all factions.

This plenary meeting took place with a single agenda report from Commission I of the DPR RI on the results of the fit and proper test of the candidate for the TNI Commander in Chief, followed by decision making.

"Now we will ask if the agenda of the meeting can be approved?" said Puan when opening the plenary meeting at the DPR Building, Monday, November 8.

Puan said that the leadership of the DPR received 6 letters from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the first related to the Bill on the State Capital, the Draft Law on the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia, regarding the Proposal for Deputy Candidates for Governor of Bank Indonesia, regarding Applications and Considerations for Ambassadors of Friendly Countries, Applications for Ambassadors to Dismiss and Appointment of TNI Commanders.

"We have assigned Commission I of the DPR to discuss the president's letter regarding the dismissal and appointment of the TNI commander," said Puan.

Furthermore, the approval of the results of the fit and proper test of the TNI Commander was reported by the Chairman of Commission I of the DPR, Meutya Hafid.