Loading And Unloading Truck Drivers Often Make Roads Narrow, Officers Intervene

JAKARTA - The Kemayoran Sub-district Transportation Officer followed up on community reports by reprimanding business or shop owners who often unloaded goods on Jalan Kalibaru Timur VI, Utan Panjang, Kemayoran.

Head of the Transportation Implementation Unit (Kasatpel) Kemayoran District, Iswandi said the loading and unloading trucks parked on the road had been brought under control.

The officers have also strongly rebuked the owner of the business or shop for violating the Regional Regulation (Perda) number: 5 of 2014 concerning transportation. Article 140 Every person or business entity is required to have a garage or provide parking space for business activities.

"We have directly warned the business owner not to park on the road because it has an impact on road narrowing and traffic jams," he said, Tuesday, November 2.

Iswandi said, to prevent the re-infringement, officers would conduct monitoring at locations such as areas prone to illegal parking and loading and unloading.

"There are Transportation officers who drive and evict the trucks. If another violation is found, the officers will take firm action in accordance with the applicable regulations," he said.