JAKARTA - Dante Saksono Harbuwono is the Deputy Minister of Health (Wamenkes) who was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Wednesday, December 23, 2020. Dante is the first diabetes molecular expert in Indonesia. He is also a team of Indonesian presidential doctors.

Besides working in the medical world, Dante is also active as an academic. He is a teaching staff for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI). In addition, he is also active in the Endocrine Metabolic Division, Department of Internal Medicine FKUI / RSCM.

Who is Dante Saksono Harbuwono?

Dante was born in Temanggung, Central Java, March 23, 1973. Now he lives in Jakarta.

Dante graduated from the School of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 1997. Then Dante obtained a specialist degree at the same campus in 2004.

Before getting the title of specialist doctor, Dante married Mutiara Yasmin in 2003. He then had two children, namely Nicolette Adhaneiss Xaviera Dante and Naveen Xavier Dante.

After graduating from FKUI, Dante did not waste his opportunity to continue his doctoral education on molecular diabetes at the University of Yamanashi, Japan.

The journey to get a doctorate in Sakura Country is not without a struggle. To take a Ph.D., the molecular field of diabetes takes 4 years.

However, Dante only pocketed a one-year scholarship. To make ends meet in Japan, Dante even works at a fast food restaurant.

"I worked at McDonald's, to cover living expenses and study in Japan," Dante was quoted as saying by the internal magazine Mitra Keluarga Hospital (2013).

But somehow the story, there is a professor on campus who knows that his doctoral student works as a cook at McDonald's. The professor then called him.

Then in a very subtle manner, he was asked to quit his job. Instead, he was given the opportunity to become a teaching assistant and research assistant at the university. "So I went to study while working. I got a salary, until my studies were finished," said Dante.

The reason for studying diabetes molecular experts

The fundamental reason why Dante was moved to study internal medicine, especially diabetes and edocrine, was because of an emotional calling. According to him, molecular diabetes is a rare science in Indonesia.

Dante explained that diabetes is a pandemic problem in all places in Indonesia. Plus he has an emotional connection with diabetes because his mother is suffering from it.

"In fact, I have a genetic risk of diabetes," said the Temanggung-born doctor.

Previously, as quoted on the website of the Department of Internal Medicine, FKUI, Dante opened a practice at the MMC (Metropolitan Medical Center) Hospital, Jakarta and the Kelapa Gading Family Partner Hospital, Jakarta.

Before becoming Deputy Health Minister, Dante, who likes photography, was appointed as Commissioner of PT Pertamina Bina Medika. As is known, Pertamina Bina Medika is a subsidiary of Pertamina which is engaged in the health service industry.

Organizational experience

Still quoted on the page of the Department of Internal Medicine, FKUI, Dante is a member of the Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialist Association (PAPDI) and the Indonesian Endocrinology Association (Kolegium Perkeni).

In addition, Wamenkes Dante has also been trusted as Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Athletics Association (PB PASI).


His popularity in the medical world, earned Dante many awards. In 2013, for example, he was awarded the Tajima Awards from the Japan Diabetes Epidemiology and the Takeda Science Foundation Awards from Takeda Japan.


Profile of Dante Saksono Harbuwono

Full name

dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, SpPD-KEMD, PhD



Place and date of birth

Temanggung, Central Java, March 23, 1973


Doctor / Academician


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Mutiara Yasmin


Nicolette Adhaneiss Xaviera Dante

Naveen Xavier Dante


S1, FKUI (1997)

S2, Internal Medicine Specialist FKUI (2004)

S3, University of Yamanashi, Japan, (2008)

Career Journey

Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (2020)

Board of Commissioners of PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC

Lecturer Head of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (2018 - present)

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (2014 - 2018)

Assistant Expert, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (2012 - 2014)

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (2009-present)

Chairman of the Indonesian Obesity Study Association (HISOBI)

The Presidential Doctor of the Republic of Indonesia

Specialist doctor at Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Hospital, Jakarta

Doctors at MMC Hospital (Metropolitan Medical Center), Jakarta


Takeda Science Foundation Awards (2013)

Potential FKUI Researcher Award Charter based on the number of articles in SCOPUS in 2013

Potential FKUI Researcher Award Charter based on the Accumulation of Journal Impact Factors in 2013

Tajima Awards, Epidemiology of Diabetes, Japan (2008)

IDF / WPR Asia-Pacific, Diabetes Epidemiology & Education, IDF / WPR Asia Pacific (2008)

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