Termaju Villages In Indonesia And How To Measure IDM Of The Ministry Of Villages
Illustration of the most advanced village in Indonesia (Photo from Antara)

YOGYAKARTA - The position of the village as part of a country's geographic area cannot be underestimated. Villages have an important role in various sectors of life, ranging from food, waters, economy, and so on. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, villages were able to become a buffer for food security countries.

Many villages are seen as remote, underdeveloped, and modern areas. Many people think that civilization in the village is not as advanced as urban areas. Even though both cannot be compared to the same benchmark. There are separate indicators to see the progress of the village.

Now there are many of the most advanced villages in Indonesia that have the highest assessment of the development village index (IDM) in 2022. These villages are proven to be qualified in several sectors, such as ecology / environment, economy, food, and so on.

The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) has determined three indexes in measuring the capabilities of a village. The three indexes include the economic resilience index (IKE), the social resilience index (IKS), the ecological/environmental resilience index (IKL).

The results of the three assessors will determine the categories of each village. There are 5 categories of village capabilities, namely independent villages, developing villages, underdeveloped villages, or villages that are very lagging behind.

The Ministry of Villages noted that the average village in Indonesia is classified as developing with IDM 0.6724. Meanwhile, the area with the highest average IDM is Bali with a value of 0.8269. In addition, the range of 60.69 percent of villages in Bali is independent.

Meanwhile, the villages with the smallest IDM are in the provinces of Papua and West Papua. The average village in Papua has a very lagging status, namely Papua with IDM 0.4676 and West Papua with IDM 0.5184.

The number of villages in Indonesia is recorded at 74,955. Of the total villages, 10 villages have the highest village index (IDM) in 2022.

The following is the leading village in Indonesia in 2022:

Desa di Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, mendapat nilai IDM 0.9981

Desa di Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat, mendapat nilai IDM 0.9981

Desa di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, mendapat nilai IDM 0.9981

Desa di Kabupaten Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, mendapat nilai IDM 0.9981

Desa di Kabupaten Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, mendapat nilai IDM 0.9981

Desa di Kabupaten Denpasar, Bali, mendapatkan nilai IDM 0.9962

Desa di Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur, mendapatkan nilai IDM 0.9943

Villages in Badung Regency, Bali, get a value of IDM 0.9924

Desa di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, mendapatkan nilai IDM 0.9906

Desa di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, dapat nilai IDM 0.9905

The Ministry of Villages noted that only five provinces do not have villages with lagging categories and are very lagging behind. The following provinces in Indonesia have succeeded in developing their villages.

There are 386 independent villages, 218 developed villages, and 32 developing villages.

There are 184 independent villages, 2,511 developed villages, and 1,671 developing villages.

There are 1,490 independent villages, 3,906 developed villages, and 112 developing villages.

Those are the most advanced villages in Indonesia and how to measure the level of progress of a village. Most independent villages are recorded as located in East Java Province. Meanwhile, the highest average IDM is in the Bali region.

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