JAKARTA - Since last March, all cinemas in Indonesia have been closed to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19. Finally, several cinemas in Jakarta were allowed to operate again by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Even so, not everyone supports this permit given by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government because the COVID-19 pandemic has not subsided.

The Association of Indonesian Cinema Entrepreneurs (GPBSI) is also not convinced to open their own business fields. GPBSI consists of CGV, CinemaXXI, Cineapolis, Dakota Cinema, Platinum, and New StarCineplex. Djonny Syafruddin, the general chairman of GPBSI, also expressed his concern about the loss if the cinema was only opened with a capacity of 25%.

But finally, Cinema XXI opened its first 6 outlets on October 17 and CGV opened 4 outlets on October 21 yesterday. Cinema XXI has yet to open its outlets in Jakarta, while CGV has ventured to open their regular auditoriuma in the Jakarta area.

So, where are the cinemas? What about the health protocol? However, it is important for you to know health protocols when watching movies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to the answers in the VOI podcast. Please hit the listen button and we'll tell the story for you.

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