JAKARTA - The statement made by the Deputy Chair of the PP LAZISNU Ubaidillah Amin or who is familiarly called Gus Ubaid about Ferdinand Hutahaen who has become a convert to Islam actually caused a reaction. One of the leaflets allegedly from the FH party appeared in the 2019 Legislative Election campaign ago. At that time in a FH leaflet it was written that he was still a Christian. Is all this true?

In the campaign leaflet, FH is still a cadre of the Democratic Party. He became a legislative candidate for the Electoral District of West Java V which covers the Bogor Regency area. Being at number 4, the bespectacled man in the internal Democratic Party had to compete with the late Max Sopacua (number 1). Meanwhile, from outside the party, they had to compete with Tommy Kurniawan (PKB), Primus Yustisiyo (PAN), Fadli Zon (Gerindra) and others.

Other information in the leaflet that was circulated that Ferdinan Hutahaen stated that he was still a Bataknese, devout Christian, honest, loyal and clean. This flyer was shared by the twitter account @zarazettira. In his tweet, he questioned the issue of converting to FH which contradicted the contents of the leaflet he received.

Inilah selebaran yang disebar oleh akun twitter @zarazettirazr. (Foto Ist)
This is the leaflet distributed by the Twitter account @zarazettirazr. (Ist Photo)

Meanwhile, Gus Ubaid confirmed that what he knew was that FH was a convert. "After we dug up and found out about Ferdinand's brother through our friends in Jakarta, it turned out that the information we got was quite surprising. Ferdinand is a convert, he recently converted to Islam in 2017, and made his shahada in front of Kyai Ali Yafi who is a Muslim. Former Chairman of the Central MUI and Former Rais 'Am NU. This creed was witnessed by Mrs. Nyai Lily Wahid," said Gus Ubaid.

According to Gus Ubaid, the tweet about FH's tweet on social media is the anxiety of a convert to Islam. "This is the anxiety of a convert to Islam. He has a habit of pouring it on social media. He wants to tell the public about his heart. Because on social media people have different perceptions. Moreover, he is a politician," he said.

According to him, things like this should not be shared on social media. "He said it was a personal concern. I don't think it should be broadcast on social media," he said.

In fact, Gus Ubaid continued, he also got a photo of an Islamic FH wedding in 2018. "People like Ferdinand need to be guided, as stated by the Minister of Religion. Don't be judged. As a Muslim who knows you shouldn't judge him. understanding more about Islam is guidance," he said.

Ferdinand Hutahaean saat mengenakan peci.(Twitter/Mustofa Nahrawardaya)
Ferdinand Hutahaean wearing a cap. (Twitter/Mustofa Nahrawardaya)

After that, there were leaflets circulating about FH which was still a Christian, according to Gus Ubaid it had entered the realm of politics. "Regarding the news that he is in the 2019 legislative election campaign in the flyer, he is still a devout Christian Batak and so on. I don't know that, it's already a matter of politics," he said.

Political Opponent

Meanwhile, Ferdinand himself was contacted separately to VOI.ID saying that the leaflet that he was still a Christian was the work of his political opponents. "How can I stand out as a Christian in the midst of the constituency of the electoral district V Bogor Regency, which is predominantly Muslim. It was the work of my political opponents to bring me down," he said.

The case of tweets by Ferdinand Hutahaean has entered the realm of law. According to Gus Ubaid, just leave everything to law enforcement. "My advice is that because this matter has reached the realm of law, just process it legally. Indonesia is a state of law. In the process, the police will call expert witnesses. We just entrust the process to law enforcement. "explained Gus Ubaid.

As is known, Ferdinand Hutahaen's tweet was reported to the police by the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (DPP KNPI) to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on Wednesday, January 5 last. The reason is none other than because the tweet is considered to contain hate speech containing elements of SARA. As Gus Ubaid said, we are waiting for the legal process of this case.

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