KUPANG - The Regent of Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara, Thomas Ola Langodai said hundreds of residents from Lamawolo Village and Waimatan Village had been evacuated to anticipate the cold lava flood disaster from the slopes of Mount Ile Lewotolok.

"Our people evacuated to temporary shelters in Lewoleba City to be safe from the threat of cold lava floods," he said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

Regent Thomas Ola explained that the cold lava flood from the slopes of Mount Ile Lewotolok on Friday, November 12 did not cause any casualties but resulted in severe damage to road infrastructure.

There are at least four damaged roads, namely between Lamagute Village and Napasabok Village, Jontona Village and Lamawolo Village, Aulesa Village and Amakaka Village.

"The condition of the access roads at these four points is closed and badly damaged due to material carried by the cold lava flood," he said.

Thomas Ola explained that based on information from the Mount Ile Lewotolok monitoring team, cold lava floods have the potential to occur again when it rains. Therefore, people in vulnerable areas were temporarily evacuated to a safe place in Lewoleba City.

Thomas Ola appealed to the people, especially those around Mount Ile Lewotolok, to stay alert to the threat of cold lava floods that could occur at any time.

"Related agencies and the sub-district head also ask us to stay alert in place so that if at any time there is a need for community mobilization, it will be carried out immediately," he said.

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