
JAKARTA The joining of the youngest son of President Joko Widodo, Kaesang Pengarep to the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) has caused pros and cons in the world of Indonesian politics. Some consider this to be reasonable, but many consider it an effort to perpetuate power.

For those who are pros with Kaesang's decision, this shows that young people as the successor of the nation should not be apolitical. Moreover, PSI has been identical as a forum for young people who want to be involved in politics.

Meanwhile, for those who are against it, Erina's husband's decision is a kind of justification that Jokowi is building dynastic politics in Indonesia. Moreover, before Kaesang entered politics, Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his son-in-law, Bobby Nasution first entered politics and was elected as Mayor of Solo and Medan.

Yes, the term dynastic politics did resurface after Kaesang joined PSI. Doctor of Government Science at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Titin Purwaningsih explained that actually there are three levels related to efforts to perpetuate power.

First, a political family where if there are two or more family members who occupy political positions. Second, kinship politics is an effort to perpetuate power through political recruitment that produces family members who occupy political/governmental positions that are not based on their abilities or procedures that have been outlined, but are based on considerations of kinship relations, either descendants or marriage.

"Third, dynastic politics is an effort to perpetuate power by placing his family in political positions, there are at least four family members who occupy political positions and take place for more than two generations," explained Titin, Monday, October 3.

Notable dynastic politics is commonly applied in a kingdom. In the modern era, a monarchy-shaped kingdom such as England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain also continued to apply dynastic politics. The year 3050 BC is believed to be the beginning of the emergence of dynastic politics in Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, in China, the oldest dynasty is the Xia Dynasty which ruled between 2070 and 1600 BC.

The oldest dynasty still in power is the Imperial House of Japan or the Japanese Imperial Family which has been in power since 660 BC, started by Emperor Jimmu. On its way, almost all countries were once ruled by dynastic politics. From Europe to the glory of the monarchy to countries in Asia and Africa which were led by the political hands of the family.

An interesting fact is that in countries adhering to dynastic political democracy systems, it turns out that they also thrive. In fact, it is not uncommon for democracy to become a way to perpetuate dynastic political power. The Philippines is one example of a country with strong dynastic politics, where there are Ampatuan families, Aquino, Estrada to Marcos.

Apart from the Philippines, there are also the names Trudeau Family in Canada, Nehru and Gandhi Family in India, as well as Kennedy and Bush Family in a democratic country like the United States. So how about Indonesia? In fact, dynastic politics also occurs in the country.

Before Jokowi was said to be building dynastic politics, the Indonesian people would have seen that the family of the proclaimer, Soekarno, was one of the main examples of dynastic politics. Apart from Soekarno who is the first president, Megawati Soekarnoputri is the fifth president. Currently, the public certainly knows the name Puan Maharani.

Yes, Megawati's daughter has become a top politician who has held an elite position. Starting from the Chair of the PDI-P faction, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture to the current chairman of the DPR. Of course, it should not be forgotten that Suharto's family. Some of the children who control the New Order have also entered politics.

The figure of Siti Hardijanti Rukmana who is familiarly called Mbak Tutut was once issued by Suharto to become Minister of Social Affairs in mid-1998. There is also the name Hutomo Mandala Putra or Tommy Suharto who founded the Berkarya Party and participated in the election despite failing to qualify for parliament.

The sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was not left behind. As is known, SBY orbited his eldest son, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono. Annisa Pohan's husband had a contest in the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilkada despite losing, and is currently appointed as the General Chair of the Democratic Party and is said to be proposed as a candidate for vice president to accompany Anies Baswedan before disbanding.

In the regions, the practice of dynastic politics is clearer. In various elections, the public knows several dynasties, such as the Limpo Dynasty in South Sulawesi, the Narang Dynasty (Central Kalimantan), the Sjahroeddin Dynasty (Lampung) to the Fuad Dynasty in Madura.

The dynastic politics that may be the most phenomenal in the country is the ruling of the Chasan Sochib Dynasty in Banten. In the same period, almost all members of this dynastic family held political positions in Banten.

Starting from Ratu Atut Chosiyah (son) as Governor of Banten from 2007 to 2015, Ratu Tatu Chasanah (child) as Deputy Regent of Serang 2010-2015 and Regent of Serang 2016-2020, as well as Airin Rahmy Diany (announced) as Mayor of South Tangerang 2011 to 2020.

Lecturer on Sociology Politics, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Umar Sholahudin revealed that geographically, almost 80 percent of regions throughout Indonesia are dynastic political products, and East Java is the area that carries out the most dynastic politics, namely 14 regions. Followed by Central Java and South Sulawesi (6 regions), West Java, South Sumatra, and Banten (5 regions), and East Kalimantan, North Sumatra, and Lampung (4 regions).

He gave an example, in the 2020 Pilkada, East Java gave birth to dynastic politics including Ipuk Azwar Anas, Banyuwangi Regent (wife of Azwar Anas / Regent of Banyuwangi), Ikfina MKP, Regent of Kab. Mojokerto (wife of Musthofa Kamal Pasha / Regent of Kab. Mojokerto), Makmun Ibnu Fuad, Regent of Bangkalan (son of Fuad Amin / Regent of Bangkalan), Puput Tantriana, Regent of Probolinggo (wife Hasan Aminuddin / regent of Kab. Probolinggo).

There are also Ita Puspotasari, Mayor of Mojokerto (Adik MKP/Regent of Kab. Mojokerto), Hanindito Himawan, Regent of Kediri (son of Pramono Anung), Ony Anwar, Deputy Regent of Kab. Ngawi (son Harsono/former regent), Aditya Halindra, Tuban Regent who is the son of former regent Heny," said Umar, Monday, October 3.

According to him, dynastic politics is genealogically and historically born and developed in a monarchy system, where power is passed down from generation to generation from father to son. This is done in order to keep power in the family circle.

Unfortunately, dynastic political trends also appear as a symptom of neopatrionicistics in modern political society. The seeds have long been rooted traditionally, namely in the form of a patriarchal system, which prioritizes political regeneration based on genealogical bonds, rather than merit systems, in considering achievement.

"Politicals use this neopatrimonial culture as a political strategy to achieve and maintain power through procedural political channels in this context, namely democracy. Children, families, or relatives of the elites enter the prepared institutions, namely political parties," concluded Umar.

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