YOGYAKARTA The presence of office applications can facilitate employee work, such as recording, calculating, presenting, making reports, and so on. With the help of software, an employee can complete office work faster and easier. So, what office applications are often used to make reports? Find out the answer in the review below.
Compiled from various sources, the following are some applications that are often used to make reports.
Microsoft Office Exel is one of the office applications that employees often use to make reports. Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet-based application that can accommodate large amounts of number data. This software serves to store data and assist users in making large book balance reports and maintaining accounts.
Microsoft Office 365 is an application that can increase employee productivity. This cloud-based productivity platform offers many collections of office applications such as Word, Power Point, Outlook Email, Excel, Skype, teams, Yammer, and many more.
The app is also integrated with Microsoft Editors that can detect writing errors and choose other words instead of words that are often used.
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FineReport is an application or software that allows employees to create, manage, and automate reports. This application is equipped with tools and features that make it easier for users to make reports with attractive design templates.
Reports made on this application can be printed into various formats such as Excel, PDF, Word, and Image. Not only that, each report can also be shared across platforms such as TV screens and cellphones.
What office applications are often used to make reports? One of them is Microsoft Office Outlook. This application can support work activities because it is equipped with a number of important features such as personal information managers, client calendars, address books, email, contacts, notes, journals, and task managers.
Microsoft Office Outlook can also be used to connect to emails and calendars and can be shared with many users.
Google Workspace is an office application used to regulate documents, emails, presentations, with various productivity tools developed by Google. The productivity tools that are embedded in Google Workspace include Gmail, Meet, Chat, Drive, Spreedsheet Documents, Slides, Formulir, Site, and so on.
It's not enough to stop there, this application also allows caaryists to collaborate in real time and each change can be saved automatically.
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