
JAKARTA - During Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month last October, Google worked with governments, the banking industry and organizations around the world to increase awareness of mobile security best practices. This also  helps in keeping mobile users safe.

In Brazil, Google worked with Febraban, Brazil's national bank federation, to support their safety campaign with the “Stop and Think: It Could Be a Scam” campaign, designed to help people avoid scams and stay ahead of attackers.

Additionally, Google is also investing to expand the campaign's reach and bring it to more Android users across Brazil.

Then in Thailand, Google teamed up with the Bank of Thailand and the Thai Banking Sector Computer Emergency Response Team (TB-CERT) to help launch the #31Days31Tips campaign aimed at helping Thais stay safe online through a series of short, fun pieces of advice.

Every day, the three organizations release practical security tips to help people secure their accounts, avoid fraud, spot misinformation, and maintain their online privacy.

Later in Singapore, Google participated in Singapore International Cyber ​​Week to educate the public about Android defenses and share new tools for users to help recognize and fight financial fraud.

Meanwhile in India, Google is coordinating with government agencies to tackle financial fraud while launching its own  initiatives to address pressing issues.

At Google for India, the search giant also announced DigiKavach, a new program in partnership with the Fintech Association, to study fraud methods and develop and implement new countermeasures to help them combat predatory lending apps on Play in India.

In Indonesia, Google has carried out many collaborations, one of which is with the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), ICT Watch and the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA), in launching the Cybersecurity program for MSMEs.

In addition, last year, Google introduced the “Cybersecurity Corner” initiative from Google Cloud Indonesia and the Center for Digital Society, Gajah Mada University.

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