
JAKARTA - Developers of the Hooded Horse have announced that the launch of its newest game, Myan Lords, which was supposed to be released this year, will be postponed until next year.

"I owe you an apology, but I will do it without a colored background. I want to reach 2023, but I failed. We pushed it to April 26, 2024," the developer wrote in his post on X.

Game will come to PC Games and later on, to Xbox concessions, which I know a lot of players asked for.

Pengembang mengatakan bahwa alasan dari penundatan ini adalah karena mereka membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan bug dan penyempurnaan, bahkan untuk akses awal.

However, along with the news, the developer also revealed that the game will also be on PC Game Pass and then, on the Xbox console. "What I know is that a lot of players ask for," he added.

Based on the game's captions, Lords lies a strategic game that allows you to experience the life of a medieval ruler. You have to develop your village into a bustling city, by managing resources and production chains, and expanding land.

The game is inspired by the art and architecture of the late 14th century pave Lords prioritizing historical accuracy as much as possible, using it to inform gameplay mechanics and the same visuals.

"Tropes of the Middle Ages is generally avoided for historical accuracy, to make the world feel more authentic, colorful, and trustworthy," added the developer.

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