
TikTok always strives to empower creators and their communities with innovative tools that inspire self-expression. Last week, TikTok announced the expansion of the text posting feature on the social video platform, which is a new format for creating text-based content that expands the choice for creators to share ideas and express their creativity.

By posting text, ByteDance's social media expands content creation limits for all TikTok users, as well as provides space dedicated to written creativity that has been seen in comments, captions, and videos to better "snarre".

New Ways To Work

Creators have been able to create content on TikTok in various formats - from LIVE videos to photos, Duets toACTS. Text is the latest addition to content creation options, allowing creators to share stories, poetry, recipes, and other written content on TikTok that provide creators with other ways to express themselves and make it easier to work.

Simplify The Making Process

Text posting offers a simple publication experience that makes it easier than ever to share text content. Here's how it works:

Creating Text Post

When you access the Camera page, you will be able to select from three options: photos, videos, and text. By selecting text, you will be directed to a text creation page, where you can type your post content.

Improve Your Text Post

Once you reach the Posting page, you will find known options to customize your content. This includes adding Voices, tagging locations, activating comments, and enabling Duets, and so on.

These features make your text posts as dynamic and interactive as video or photo posts.

Trialable Features

Posting text offers a variety of features that empower you to make your text-based content more prominent. Here are some highlights:

Sticker: Increase your text by selecting stickers related to your content and add a creative touch to your posts.

Hashtags and hashtags: Just like in video or photo posts, you can tag other accounts and add hashtags relevant to related topics or trends.

Background color: Select from various background colors to make your text more striking.

Adding Voice: Voice is an important part of the TikTok experience, that's why we included it in text posts. You can add songs that readers can enjoy when reading your writing.

Draft and Dispose: Similar to video posts or photos, you can save the draft and save it along with other unpublished posts for later editing or completely throwing it away.

TikTok hopes that what the community will create with text posts will become a new way to express and share user creativity on TikTok.

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