
JAKARTA - YouTube has just made some changes to the ad control provided for its content creators, so it's easy to place ads in videos.

The policy, which comes into effect this November, will optimize content creator revenue by removing individual ad controls for pre-play, post-putle, skipable, and non-advertising that can be passed on newly uploaded videos.

"We always recommend this as the best practice, but hear that making individual choices is confusing for new creators and old content creators," YouTube said in its announcement, quoted Thursday, September 7.

In the future, YouTube says that when content creators activate ads, viewers can see one of the following ad formats.

The company will take advantage of many factors to determine when viewers will see this type of ad to maximize revenue and ensure a positive viewing experience.

"These factors cover a long time for viewers to see advertisements and how many times ads are disturbing the videos they are watching," said YouTube.

Creators will also still have full control over half-round advertising, so they can choose a manual ad break for the half-round or enable automatic ad breaks.

It should be noted that the newly uploaded video will only have the option to enable or disable ads that appear before or after the video, but all previously uploaded videos will maintain the existing ad format options.

"Most content creators will not be aware of any changes because many of these ad formats have been enabled by default," explained YouTube.

On the live streaming service, YouTube is also introducing new options including optimized half-round frequency, self-selected half-round frequency, and new live image ads.

"We're also rolling out some new revenue information on YouTube Analytics to show ad revenues obtained by content creators from live streaming, as well as advertising revenues obtained from live replays," said YouTube.

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