
JAKARTA - The world of crypto investment is still relatively new and attracts a lot of attention because of the potential for large profits. However, behind these profit opportunities, the risk of fraud is also a real threat to investors.

Such was the case with Aiden Pleterski, a 24-year-old man who proclaimed himself the "King of Crypto" in Canada and allegedly defrauded investors of around 41.5 million US dollars (equivalent to IDR 625 billion). Not only cheating, Pleterski also suffered bad luck after being kidnapped and beaten by unknown people who demanded ransom money.

In his actions, Pleterski allegedly carried out a scheme that tricked investors by offering investments in cryptocurrencies and foreign exchange. However, of the total funds he received, Pleterski only invested US$670,000 (around Rp.10 billion) or around 1.6 percent of the total investment. This was revealed after the investors tried to get back their funds.

The report recently detailed testimony from Pleterski's father in court that his son was kidnapped in December last year. Pleterski was taken to various parts of Southern Ontario, beaten and tortured, while his landlord received calls demanding ransom.

Although Pleterski was released after a few days, his captors demanded a ransom. It was reported that he also received threats and intimidation if he did not hand over the requested money.

In their report, Pleterski's parents revealed that their son used most of the funds he received from investors to fund his lavish lifestyle. Investment money that should be used for investment, is actually used to buy private jets, luxury cars, and live in luxury homes.

Pleterski is still under trial on charges of fraud and money laundering. Authorities are conducting further investigations into his kidnapping and beating. Meanwhile, investors who feel cheated by Pleterski will continue to fight to get their funds back until they get justice for the fraudulent actions that have been committed by this Canadian "King of Crypto".

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