
JAKARTA - TikTok updated its community guidelines on its platform. This is done to keep popular social media applications safe and usable according to applicable regulations.

In its official blog post, one of the points that will be specifically regulated is the removal of video content by TikTok. Where TikTok will provide a detailed explanation of why the video was deleted.

"Our goal is to increase transparency and education around our Community Guidelines to reduce misconceptions about content on our platform," said TikTok as quoted by The Verge, Friday, October 23.

Later users will get a message notification containing TikTok's explanation of the reason why the content was removed. TikTok believes the specific explanation of the community guidelines on its Platform can reduce the rate of repeat violations.

Where based on TikTok research, the total error of users who violate community guidelines has almost tripled. This apparently makes TikTok quite often remove violating user content on its platform.

"We believe this helps foster a better understanding of the types of positive content and friendly behavior that make our community thrive," said TikTok.

Notification of violation messages from TikTok (doc. TikTok)

If there are users who feel that they do not violate community guidelines, but their content has been removed, they can appeal to TikTok. Where TikTok will reconsider content that has been removed.

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