
YOGYAKARTA Must be admitted that running is indeed very useful for health, including for the muscles of the body. But is it enough to build muscles by running? Many of these questions were asked by the general public.

The answer to the question of being able to build muscles by running is that you can, but it depends on a lot of things and what muscle goals you want to build.

Quoted from the healthline site, running is able to form the body's muscles at the bottom but depending on the intensity and duration of the run.

A study examined 12 students who conducted high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with a 4-set run with a duration close to 4 minutes followed by an active rest of 3 minutes duration. After the exercise was carried out for 10 mingu with HIIT training carried out 3 times a week, there was an increase of almost 11 percent in the fiber area of the front thigh muscle (there was at the front of the thigh).

Aerobic exercises such as fast running are thought to help form muscles by inhibiting proteins that usually interfere with growing muscles.

On the other hand, in different sources, it is said that the impact of running for muscles is different from the impacts obtained through strength training.

Professor at the Carrick Institute, Mike Nelson, Ph.D., CCS, said that someone who regularly runs will reduce fat and form muscles in the legs and thighs.

"Basically, cardio exercises like running will burn fat, so when fat is lost, muscles will appear," said Mike.

Unfortunately, running is not enough to immediately increase muscle mass, especially in the upper body area. However, Nelson and Percell Dugger, running coach Nike and founder Fit for Us explained that certain type of running exercise can indeed increase the size of the body muscles.

Building muscles with running exercise is indeed possible to do, but it must be balanced with other efforts, namely as follows.

The strength needed to run on a flat field is smaller than the strength that must be exerted in the uphill terrain. This exercise is enough to help build muscles so it needs to be done occasionally.

You can run small while holding a light barbell to give weight in your hands. This barbell will form muscles in the upper body so that the posture is more proportional.

Protein helps increase muscle mass. You can eat protein-rich meat. In addition, avoid junkfood food because it will add fat and other health problems.

Please note that most running athletes don't spend much of their time practicing weightlifting. But if you're not an athlete, you can do running by combining other sports such as lifting weights.

Muscles also need rest. Set your exercise and exercise portions to avoid overuse. These conditions will make muscles prone to injury.

That's information related to building muscles by running. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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