YOGYAKARTA - Jogging or light running is a sport that is quite popular with many people. Besides being easy to do, this sport also does not require complicated equipment. Anyone likes to jogging in the afternoon, morning, or evening. But actually when is the right time to jogging?
jogging is popular because it provides many health benefits. In addition to improving heart health and strengthening stamina, this light exercise can also lose weight to prevent stress. Another reason why people are interested in jogging is because it is practical, there is no need for special equipment and can be done in various places.
Many people jogging in their spare time, it could be before or after activities or on holidays. But when is the right time to run or jogging?
jogging is usually done outdoors or outdoors, such as on quiet roads, fields, parks, and other open areas. Jogging is a cardio sport that aims to improve physical fitness and body stamina.
Although it can be done easily and at any time, there are certain times that are good for jogging. The most ideal time for running is late afternoon. At these hours, the body is peaking so it is good for activities.
Based on the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, almost everyone experienced a peak in temperature between 4 to 5 pm. The study stated that the biological clock or rhythm of circadi in the afternoon made the body temperature rise, so that the sport jogging was maximized.
With maximum function, the body can work well to burn calories. In addition, muscle adaptation can also make the body more prepared in dealing with changes in the running field and reduce the risk of injury.
A study from the American Journal of Physics Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology also states that lung organs will work better in the afternoon. At that time, the lungs can absorb oxygen to the maximum so that your running activities will be easier.
Running or jogging in the afternoon also provides other benefits for the body. These activities will help you fall asleep faster because afternoon running encourages the production of melatonin hormones or sleep trigger hormones.
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Running or jogging is actually also good in the morning after waking up. Activities that are carried out in the morning can help increase the body's metabolism. In addition, jogging at that time can also burn more calories.
The ideal time to run in the morning, is from 05.30-07.00 WIB. Jogging in the morning also has a good effect on mood or mood. By exercising first before undergoing activities, your mood can be maintained properly.
Usually taking the time to jogging in the morning is also easier. After waking up, you still have plenty of time to exercise before starting your daily main activities. So you can also apply the morning jogging time more consistently.
That's a review of the right time to run or jogging. You can do this light exercise in the morning or evening, but you should not live it at night.
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