
YOGYAKARTA - Pulling the racket strings is one of the things that supports the comfort of a badminton player. Because the racket strings really affect the tightness or beating power of the clock. So what is the ideal badminton racket string like?

The key to comfort to victory in badminton is not only dependent on the skills of the players. However, the players' skills must also be supported by proper equipment, namely a racket with the ideal string pulling. With the right string pulling, players can play optimally in hitting the clock.

In addition, the level of pull-off of the racket strings must also be adapted to the needs and style of each player. Each level of string drag will result in a different hitting power that is suitable for each technique of using a racket. What is the ideal badminton racket string like and its use requirement?

Every badminton player must understand that the level of pull of the racket string will affect the power or strength of the blow from the racket. Many novice players think that if the string pull gets higher then the blow can be faster. Even though the level of pull of the racket string is inversely proportional to the strength of the blow produced.

If the pull of the racket string gets higher then the chain of racket strings becomes harder, but the strength is lower or decreases. Although the strength is smaller, the level of attraction of these strings has an advantage on the accuracy and control of the racket. On the other hand, the wrist will feel heavier when using a racket for long punches.

Meanwhile, if the string pull is lower, the strength of the blow will increase. But in addition, the accuracy and control will decrease. But the use of the racket becomes lighter, so the wrist will not feel heavier.

In fact, the ideal level of pull-off of the racket strings can vary depending on the playing and the level of the players. There are players who prefer a fast attack smash style and there are also those who often make minor trick blows. In addition, the level of players is also different ranging from beginners, middle and professional.

For the level of string drag, the ideal badminton racket for beginners is around 18-22 lbs. This string pull allows players to perform quite accurate and stable punches. Here are some levels of pull-off of the racket string along with the results of using the racket.

The tariff rate of the 16-22 lbs racket is highly recommended for beginners. This level of attraction is suitable for games that have not spent a lot of energy or launched strong and powerful punches.

The level of pull of this racket is suitable for players who want to give a pretty strong shot and stay stable. The right beating with this string pull lies in the sweet spot. But the shortcoming of this drag is its control and lower accuracy.

The string drag rate 23-26 lbs is suitable for players in the middle class. This string yields better accuracy and beating power than the previous string drag rate.

Players who often hit hard by deploying a lot of power are suitable for using a racket with this string drag rate. These strings are very supportive for attacking styles of play. In addition, these strings also generate better control so as to support dropshot and netting techniques.

Pull the 25 lbs racket strings up is suitable for players with pro player levels or already proficient. This string produces very good hitting accuracy. Usually, this racket user is already good at controlling the strength of the wrist swing. In addition, this type of drag is also very supportive for defense.

That's a review of the ideal badminton racket string pull. There are several types of pull-off fees that need to be adapted to the needs of play and player level.

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