JAKARTA The former goalkeeper for the Indonesian national team Kurnia Meiga is happy to receive assistance from the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI). The assistance was given directly by the Chairman of PSSI, Erick Thohir.
The former national team goalkeeper had to stay away from football since 2017 due to visual problems. During his withdrawal, Kurnia Meiga and his wife Azhiera Adzka Fathir had to fight for themselves to get up.
"Thank you very much to Mr. Erick Thohir for helping, caring for our family. Because in the last six years we have been fighting alone," said Azhiera, quoted from the official PSSI website.
Erick's support was not only for Kurnia Meiga's recovery but also other assistance which included building a business to renovate the house of the former goalkeeper of the Indonesian national team.
Kurnia Meiga said that she fully supports Erick's move to form the Indonesian Football Bakti Foundation. The presence of the foundation is considered to be able to help players and former players to get a better future when they no longer have a career on the green field.
"I thank Mr. Erick Thohir for helping me to health, renovating my house, and franchises. It really helps me and my family," said Meiga.
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Meiga also admitted that she continued to get motivation from the former Inter Milan President. Meiga does not deny that there is still a desire to return to competing in the field one day.
"Currently, while being accompanied by Mr. Erick Thohir for health, I also have alternative medicine. We don't know God's miracle, if Allah gives healing to be able to see, I will be active again," he said.
Erick Thohir said that former national team players deserve decent appreciation. Through the Indonesian Football Bakti Foundation, Erick wants guarantees for football players when hanging up their shoes.
"Ensuring football heroes have good health services. That's why we continue to discuss with BPJS and help prepare when we retire," said Erick.
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