
JAKARTA - Keeping some important components of the car is always in the best condition is crucial for vehicle owners. Although sometimes taken lightly, rubber and plastic components such as wipers, door rubbers, and dashboards also require serious attention.

Not only that, the long dry season that is currently hitting Indonesia also has a significant impact on cars. Extreme temperatures and sun exposure can lead to contractions in rubber and plastic materials in vehicles.

Sapta Agung Nugraha, Head of Cilandak Auto2000 Workshop, explained that direct exposure to sunlight can lead to shrinkage in wipers and other components, reducing overall car performance.

"Hot conditions also have the potential to reduce the use of several rubber and plastic components, such as wiper rubber, door rubber, plastic dashboard, and vehicle foot areas. Therefore, it is important to park the vehicle in a place protected from sunlight," Sapta told VOI some time ago.

He suggested that people always choose a parking lot that is protected from sunlight and dust, such as in the garage, to prevent damage caused by weather factors.

"In the dry season, make sure the vehicle is parked in a shady place and diligently cleans the vehicles from dust that can worsen the condition of the car," added Sapta.

In addition, routine maintenance at home or workshop is also an important step to maintain the quality of vehicles. For extra convenience, several workshops now provide home service services, making it easier for vehicle owners to care for cars without difficulties.

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