
JAKARTA The Supreme Court (MA) rejected the request for reconsideration (PK) filed by eight convicts in the murder case of Vina and Muhammad Rizky in Cirebon. With this decision, the verdict against the convicts remains valid, confirming that the case was a murder, not an accident. Saka Tatal, one of the eight convicts, became the last applicant to be rejected by his PK. Previously, the Supreme Court had also rejected the PK filed by seven other convicts. The spokesman for the Supreme Court, Yanto, explained that the decision of this rejection was based on a decree with Number 119/KMA/SK/VII/2013, which was announced on Monday 16 December.

Yanto stated that the main reason for the rejection of the PK was because the panel of judges did not find any mistakes in the previous court, either juridically or factually.

"There was no mistake in judex facti or judex juris in adjudicating the convicts," said Yanto at a press conference in Jakarta.

In addition, the panel of judges also did not find new evidence (Novum) that met the requirements in accordance with Article 263 paragraph (2)a of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). Thus, the previous cassation decision still applies.

The PK application for this case is divided into two cases. PK Number 198 PK/PID/2024 was submitted by Eko Ramadhani and Rivaldi Aditya, with a panel of judges chaired by Burhan Dahlan and members of Yohanes Priyana and Sigid Triyono.

Meanwhile, PK Number 199 PK/PID/2024 was proposed by Eka Sandy, Hadi Saputra, Jaya, Sudirman, and Supriyanto. The panel of judges was also chaired by Burhan Dahlan, with members Jupriyadi and Sigid Triyono. In its ruling, the Supreme Court stated tolak, as stated on the official website of the Supreme Court.

The murder case of Vina and Rizky that occurred in 2016 has attracted public attention because it involved eight perpetrators. The verdict against the convicts has been handed down since the Cirebon District Court level, strengthened in the appeal process, to the cassation.

Seven of the eight perpetrators were sentenced to life in prison, while Saka Tatal has served eight years in prison and is now free. The case is back in the spotlight after being lifted to the big screen in a film depicting the tragic murder.

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