
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has set the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMS) for 2025 for three sectors and 18 sub-sectors ranging from the manufacturing industry to financial services, as an effort to stimulate the economy in Jakarta.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency, Hari Nugroho, said that the determination of the sector and the value of the 2025 DKI Jakarta Provincial UMS was determined based on the recommendations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Wage Council.

"This is a joint effort to maintain the economy in Jakarta. Based on the agreement of members of the Wage Council of DKI Jakarta Province, the UMSP value of DKI Jakarta in 2025 refers to the Classification of the Indonesian Business Field Baku (KBLI) consisting of three sectors and 18 sub-sectors," Hari said in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

As for the details of the UMS of DKI Jakarta Province in 2025, the manufacturing sector consists of a weaving industry (export and non-MSMEs) of Rp5,531,680, the clothing industry becomes knitted (exports and non-MSMEs) of Rp5,531,680, the clothing industry is finished from textiles and equipment (exports and non-MSMEs) of Rp5,531,680.

Then, the footwear industry for daily needs (exports and non-MSMEs) is IDR 5,531,680, the organic basic chemical industry with the production of sulfuric acid, oleum, sodium silicate, aluminum sulfate, and fatty acid IDR 5,504,696.

Then, other organic basic chemical industries Rp5,504,696, industrial inorganic basic chemical industrial gas production with argon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, acetilena, and carbon dioxide production of Rp5,504,696.

Furthermore, the soap industry and household needs cleaning materials include toothpaste of IDR 5,504,696, glue glue industry of IDR 5,504,696, coloring, paint, ink, coloring substances, and the like IDR 5,504,696, pipe industry and plastic hoses with PVC pipe production, PVC plastic hose, and IDR 5,504,696 plastic hose.

Next, the packaging industry from glass glasses of IDR 5,504,696, the cement and lime goods industry for construction, namely concrete poles and pads, cement complaints of IDR 5,504,696, glass industry with sheets of IDR 5,504,696, and the glass industry with safety of IDR 5,504,696.

In other sectors, the provision of accommodation and food and drink is hospitality services (stars 4 and 5) IDR 5,531,680.

Then, the last sector is the financial services sector consisting of commercial banks (dvisa and non-divense) with assets above Rp1 trillion and non-MSMEs Rp5,531,680, and Islamic banks with assets above Rp1 trillion and non-MSMEs Rp5,531,680.

Hari said, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government reminded the obligation of entrepreneurs to develop a structure and scale of wages in the company as a guideline for workers/laborers with a working period of one year or more.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, he said, would supervise and impose sanctions on entrepreneurs who do not comply with these obligations.

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