9 Natuna Fishermen Arrested By Malaysian Officials, Riau Islands Governor Contacts The Indonesian Consulate General In Kuching
Illustration of fishermen looking for fish in the middle of the sea. (doc the Ministry of KKP)


KEPRI - Governor of Riau Islands Province (Kepri) Ansar Ahmad sought the release of nine Natuna fishermen who were arrested by Malaysian officials. The fishermen were arrested allegedly for entering Malaysian waters without permission.

"We are taking care of it through the border agency and also the Riau Islands Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service (DKP), it is still in progress," said Ansar in Batam, Riau Islands (Kepri), Wednesday, November 22, which was confiscated by Antara. In addition, he said, his party continues to communicate with the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Kuching, the jurisdiction of the nine fishermen who were detained in Serawak, Malaysia. "So far Malaysia has helped us a lot, and vice versa. Hopefully it can be finished soon," he said.

Sebanyak tiga kapal milik nelayan Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri), ditangkap aparat Malaysia karena diduga memasuki perairan Malaysia tanpa izin.Kepala Stasiun Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) Natuna Kapten Ilham membenarkan peristiwa itu. Masing-masing kapal, kata dia, membawa dua orang Anak Buah Kapal (ABK) dan satu orang nakhoda.Tiga kapal tersebut ditangkap pada Selasa (14/11) dan sudah dibawa ke Pelabuhan Serawak Malaysia.Ia mengatakan sudah melaporkan peristiwa tersebut kepada pimpinan dan saat ini sedang ditindak lanjuti. "Sudah ada tim khusus (untuk menangani peristiwa itu)," ujar dia.

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