
SORONG - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to make a working visit in Sorong City, West Papua, Friday, November 24. While in Sorong, Jokowi plans to lay the first stone for the construction of a hospital.

The Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah (Unimuda) Sorong, Rustamadji said, this visit was an honor for the Unimuda Sorong Campus, Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua, because of the various campuses in Papua, this is the first time the President of the Republic of Indonesia has taken to the Unimuda Sorong Campus in the context of laying the first stone for the construction of a hospital.

"Of course, this visit agenda is very prestigious, very rare and honorable," explained Unimuda Chancellor Sorong Rustamadji, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 22.

Rumastamadji admitted that whatever standardization set by the presidential, protocol and post-presidential team regarding the president's visit to Unimuda, of course it has been prepared optimally.

"We just follow it, like the demand for tents that are not high, we immediately raise the demand for tents, the road is not wide, we give it wide, basically we follow instructions related to preparations for the president's visit," explained Rustamadji.

During this one week, practically the Unimuda team has always worked day and night to prepare all the needs for the success of President Jokowi's visit to Unimuda.

"So the preparations have been maximized, if the President of the Republic of Indonesia came at this time we are still ready," said the Chancellor of the Sorong Young University, Rustamadji.

Based on the results of a meeting with the presidential team, the Unimuda Campus was asked to offer an agenda that would be carried out at the visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to Unimuda Sorong.

"So I offer this agenda, that after he arrives at the airport on November 24, 2023 at 12.40 WIT, we have prepared a mosque for Friday Prayers. We have also installed a carpet imported from Jakarta. Then we also offer lunch together at the postgraduate building. At the location of the groundbreaking for the construction of the hospital, we have prepared it according to the request," explained Rustamadji.

The main agenda, he said, was to lay the first stone for the construction of the Muhammadiyah Hospital in Unimuda Sorong, after which the President of the Republic of Indonesia would return to Jakarta.

"This hospital is targeted to be completed in 2024," said Rustamadji.

In addition to the construction of hospitals, the Unimuda Sorong Campus will also build a Medical Campus complete with malls in a land area of approximately two hectares.

"The source of the hospital's construction power is from the state budget, but we will also help with the availability of our funds to accelerate it," explained Rustamadji.

The first priority of the construction is the hospital, then it will be continued with the construction of other facilities to support one another with other facilities in the specified area.

Meanwhile, Sorong Police Chief Yohanes Agustiandaru explained that securing President Joko Widodo's visit to Unimuda Sorong was a shared responsibility, but because the visit took place in the jurisdiction of the Sorong Police, so that members of the Sorong Police plus the West Papua Police Mobile Brigade Unit, 258 personnel were prepared to secure the RI I visit on November 24, 2023.

"Of course, the security points are along the road from Deo Sorong Airport to the Sorong Unimuda Campus," explained Yohanes Agustiandaru.

Therefore, he hopes that the entire community will support President Joko Widodo's visit by maintaining security and order so that it will run well and maximally.

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