
The joint TNI-Polri team, BPBD and Basarnas finally managed to evacuate four victims of the crash of two Indonesian Air Force aircraft around the Mount Bromo highlands, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. The four people were pilots and pilots of the plane.

"A total of four people on two planes crashed. So, there are two planes each," said Head of the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Gatot Soebroto, Thursday, November 16.

Gatot emphasized that the four people were found dead. Body condition is also known to be intact. "The body has been evacuated, and we have submitted it to the Indonesian Air Force," he said.

Gatot said the two planes crashed in the Pasuruan Regency area, but the location was far away. One plane crashed around the forestry area of the Watugedek block, entering Lumbang District.

"The other plane crashed in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) area around Mount Kundi, the Pasuruan border and Probolinggo Regency," he said.

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