
Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Fadil Imran said the Gakkumdu Center received 13 reports related to the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) as of November 9, 2023. From the report, two of them went up to trial and had been sentenced or sentenced.

"In the implementation of the Gakkumdu Center activities during 2024 as of November 9, 2023, 13 cases have been reported," said Fadil in a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR, Wednesday, November 15.

The dozens of reports, with details of 3 reports and 10 others, are findings. Then, Fadil was more convex by stating that only 7 were involved in the investigation.

While the remaining 6 were stopped. However, there is no explanation for the reasons behind the termination of the case.

"Seven cases have been continued, two of which are included in the investigation process. Two of them have been in SP3, three cases have been P21, and 3 cases are phase two," he said.

Then, of the 3 cases that have been transferred to the court, 2 of them have been tried and the defendants have been found guilty. While the other was acquitted.

"A total of two cases have been found guilty at the Begeri Court level with four convicts and one case released at the High Court level with the case being raised," said Fadil.

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