
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will invite the Polda Metro Jaya and the National Police Headquarters on Friday, November 17. The invitation was submitted to discuss the extortion case by the KPK leadership against former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. It is known, this institution did coordinate with each other to investigate the alleged extortion experienced by SYL. The KPK previously invited the police on Friday, November 10. "KPK again invited investigators from Polda Metro Jaya and the National Police Headquarters in coordination of the handling of cases of alleged extortion. This follows up on our first gathering invitation which has not yet been implemented," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, November 15. Ali said the meeting was planned to be held at 09.00 WIB at the KPK Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. It is hoped that Polda Metro Jaya and the National Police Headquarters could be present because the anti-corruption commission is committed to carrying out this coordination activity in accordance with Law Number 19 of 2019. "That the KPK among them is in charge of coordinating the handling of cases of alleged corruption crimes," he stressed. "The letter has been received and we are also sure that the commitment of fellow investigators from Polda and Polri Headquarters will be present to fulfill the invitation so that we can both look at the legal process carried out according to the legal facts, provisions, and applicable mechanisms," continued Ali.

Previously reported, Polda Metro Jaya is currently investigating allegations of extortion by one of the KPK leaders against Syahrul. In searching for suspects in this case, investigators have examined 94 witnesses and experts as of November 13. They include Syahrul Yasin Limpo, former aide to Firli Bahuri, Kevin Egananta. Then there is the Semarang Police Chief Kombes Pol Irwan Anwar, Director of Dumas KPK Tomi Murtomo, as well as two former KPK leaders Saut Situmorang and M Jasin. Meanwhile, expert witnesses, investigators had asked for the views of criminal law experts, procedural law experts, multimedia experts, and micro expressions experts.

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