
JAKARTA - Investigators from the Bireuen District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Aceh Province stated that they had examined 58 witnesses for three suspects in alleged corruption in the capital participation of the Bireuen Regency Government in the Sharia People's Credit Bank (BPRS) of Juang City. "A total of 58 people have been questioned as witnesses for three suspected corruption suspects in the capital participation of the Bireuen Regency Government in the Juang City BPRS amounting to Rp1.5 billion," said Head of the Bireuen Kejari Munawal Hadi in Banda Aceh, Antara, Monday, November 13. Previously, the Bireuen Kejari investigators named three people as suspects for alleged corruption in the Bireuen Regency Government's capital participation in the Juang City BPRS. The three suspects have been detained at the Bireuen Class II Detention Center. The three suspects have the initials Z (54) as the Head of the Bireuen Regency Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) from 2018 to 2022. When named a suspect, Z served as Assistant III of the Regional Secretariat of Bireuen Regency. As well as the suspect with the initials KH (56), as the Head of the Economy and Natural Resources Section of the Bireuen Regency Regional Secretariat. And the suspect with the initials Y (54), as the President Director of PT BPRS Kota Juang. Munawal Hadi said the dozens of witnesses who had been questioned consisted of 28 people from the ranks of the Bireuen Regency Government, five people from the Bireuen Regency People's Representative Council (DPRK). "As well as 10 people from PT BPRS Kota Juang and 10 witnesses from among debtors. The number of witnesses being examined can increase, increasing investigators are still working to reveal the case," he said. Munawal Hadi explained that the alleged corruption crime began with capital participation to PT BPRS Kota Juang amounting to Rp1 billion in 2019 and Rp500 million in 2021. The capital investment funds were sourced from the Bireuen Regency Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBK). "The investment is a form of investment in regional-owned enterprises. However, the investment is not in accordance with the local government's investment regulations regulated in the regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs," he said. Meanwhile, the actions against the law of the suspects, he said, agreed to capital participation and facilitated the proposed financing, so that it was not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic banking. "In addition, it is suspected that it has made fictitious financing for farmer groups. As a result of the actions of the suspects, the state lost more than Rp. 1 billion. State losses based on the results of the Aceh Provincial Inspectorate audit," said Munawal Hadi. The three suspects are suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (1) letters a, b paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Law Number 31 of 1999 which was changed to Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1).
"The investigative team continues to work on uncovering the case. In the development of handling this case, it is possible that the investigative team has named another suspect," said Munawal Hadi.

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