
JAKARTA - The Extraordinary Organizational Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) resulted in a resolution containing 31 strong and tough decisions to stop the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip.

According to almost all of us, the message that has been conveyed by the OIC so far, said Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, in a written statement released after attending the OKI Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Saturday (11/11).

The resolution, said Retno, also shows the unity of the OIC position towards the situation in Gaza which is very concerning.

Through these resolutions, OKI leaders including President Joko Widodo, condemned Israeli aggression in Gaza and urged the UN Security Council to act in generating resolutions so that atrocities could be ended immediately, aid could enter, and the importance of complying with international law.

"OKI juga mendesak DK PBB untuk mengeluarkan resolasi guna mengecam pemusahan rumah sakit di Gaza oleh Israel," ujar Retno.

Several international forums will be used to demand Israel's accountability, among others through the ICC, ICJ, and the Human Rights Council.

In that resolution, the OIC condemned the forced transfer of 1.5 million Palestinians from north to south of Gaza, which the 4th Geneva Convention said was a war crime and condemned double standards in the application of international law.

The OIC encourages the start of a truly and genuine peace process to achieve peace based on a two-state solution.

The resolution also rejected suggestions to separate Gaza from the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and confirmed that Gaza and the West Bank are one unit, said Foreign Minister Retno.

Furthermore, through this resolution, the OIC leaders mandated the OKI Secretariat and the Arab League to create a joint media monitoring unit that would document all crimes committed by Israel.

The resolution also activated the Islamic Financial Safety Net to provide financial, economic and humanitarian support to the governments of Palestine and UNRWA.

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