
JAKARTA - A fire occurred in a densely populated settlement on Jalan Haji Ung (Jiung), RT 01/07, Kebon Blank Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, Friday, November 10, noon. The fire broke out at around 10.23 WIB.

Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal, said the object that caught fire was a residential area.

"We have deployed 8 fire engines to extinguish the fire. The object caught fire at a resident's house," Asril told reporters, Friday, November 10.

As many as 40 personnel started to extinguish the fire since 10.30 WIB. The cause of the fire is not yet known. The reason is, firefighters are still struggling to extinguish the fire.

"The blackout operation is still ongoing at this time," he said.

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