
The Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) Akmal Malik guarantees that the payment of land compensation for transmigration residents at Simpang Pasir, Palaran Samarinda will be paid immediately by the government.

"For the dispute between 70 families and 14 families, it's just an execution. It's clear, it's just a distribution. I ask the Head of Manpower and Transmigration to immediately make payments in accordance with the court's orders," said Akmal Malik when receiving an audience of 118 families (KK) of transmigrant residents of Simpang Pasir Village, Palaran, Samarinda, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

Akmal emphasized that at the latest this November, 70 families and 14 families will be transferred to their respective accounts, because the data already exists.

"If you have received compensation, use it for useful things, don't use it as a consumptive," said Akmal Malik

Akmal added that the other 118 families are expected to be patient, because they are still waiting for a fatwa from the Supreme Court.

"I have written to the Supreme Court (MA) to ask for a fatwa related to the settlement," explained Akmal Malik.

According to Akmal, the public does not need to worry about the local government's commitment to solving the problems of transmigrants in Palaran.

For this reason, Akmal asked the relevant regional apparatus to immediately follow up on the letter that had arrived at the Supreme Court, including the attorney for transmigrant citizens so that they could follow up at the Supreme Court.

"We want to accelerate. As a form of assistance to the transmigrant community, I have signed the letter to the Supreme Court, to ask for a fatwa. We respect the law, the steps are good. Now we are waiting for the MA fatwa. If it can be equated with the cases of disputed 70 families and 14 families, then we will pay it immediately, "explained Akmal.

The Director General of Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs also asked the public to be patient, because according to reports from regional officials related to the budget, it has been prepared to pay compensation for transmigration land in Simpang Pasir Village, Palaran.

It is known that the problem of land for transmigration residents stems from the construction of the Palaran Main Stadium by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government using 177 hectares of land owned by residents.

The transmigration resident in Simpang Pasir Village has been domiciled since 1973/1974 and currently many natives have died.

The heirs of the family demanded payment of compensation to the Government through legal procedures to the Court to the Supreme Court.

Previously, the Supreme Court (MA) in its decision sentenced the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to provide replacement land for plaintiffs (ex-transmigrants) in the Civil Case Decision Number: 159tPdt.G/2017/PN.Smr Samarinda District Court Jo. Case Number 169PDT/2018/PT SMR. East Kalimantan High Court, Jo. Supreme Court Decision RI No. 1293 KlPdt.2020.

Initially, in the case of land for business land for former transmigrants taken by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to build the Palaran Main Stadium and other buildings, the Samarinda District Court decided that the provincial government would provide replacement land to plaintiffs of 177 hectares or in the form of money worth Rp59 billion.

Citizen's attorney, Mariel Simanjorang, said the East Kalimantan Provincial Government could not implement the Supreme Court's decision to provide replacement land for residents of the former transmigrant covering an area of 177 hectares (5 hectares per head of family) and chose to provide compensation in the form of money.

According to Simanjorang, in a coordination meeting with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government informed that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government did not have assets in the form of land to be given to ex-transmigrant residents, as required by the Supreme Court.

"So it was agreed that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government would provide compensation in the form of money to former transmigrants or plaintiffs," he explained.

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