
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said the PDI-P DPP gave him a week's deadline to return his membership card (KTA) to the Medan City PDI-P DPC.

"Yesterday I was informed when I was indoors, the time was actually given seven days. From the DPP (PDI-P) I was given seven days," said Bobby after opening the 2023 Deepavali Cheap Market in Medan, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

Bobby admitted that he did not know if the Medan City PDI-P DPC had given him three days from the time he came to the PDI-P DPP in Jakarta, Monday (6/11).

The PDI-P DPP previously summoned Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution for clarification because it supports the presidential/vice-presidential candidate pair from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 presidential election.

Meanwhile, the PDI-P together with the United Development Party (PPP), the Perindo Party, and the People's Conscience Party (Hanura) will carry the presidential/vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election.

"But if the DPC (PDI Perjuangan Medan City) conveyed three days, I also just found out. Later we will try to follow up," he said.

Bobby also could not answer exactly when to return the KTA as a party cadre with the white-nosed bull logo.

"God willing. See later," said Bobby.

Previously, PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that he was still waiting for Bobby Nasution to return the KTA of the political party to the time limit given, namely, Thursday (9/11).

"Yes, all through the clarification process, because we are not a tyrannical party. We are the Indonesian Democratic Party which holds a democratic culture, so that through clarification Pak Komarudin has done that and we are waiting for the existing time limit," said Hasto.

The chairman of the PDI-P Honorary Division, Komarudin Watubun, gave Bobby Nasution two to three days to return the party's KTA bearing the white bull symbol.

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