Breaking Contracts With Private, Pekanbaru City Government Will Manage Its Own Waste
The condition of waste in one of the locations in Pekanbaru is always overloaded with a third-party management system. (ANTARA/Melsa Triamanda)


RIAU - Pekanbaru City Government (Pemkot) has decided to manage waste by itself or become a self-management system. The decision to cooperate with the private sector regarding waste will be evaluated next year.

"Next year, we will try out the self-management pattern. The system is household waste to trans depots and then to Final Disposal Sites (TPA)," said Pekanbaru City Regional Secretary (Sekda), Indra Poni Nasution, Tuesday, November 7, confiscated by Antara.

The city government, he continued, would rent trucks and other things needed. The municipal government will also establish a Waste Management Institution (LPS) in every Neighborhood Rukun environment to sub-districts.

That way the sub-district and village heads have access to monitor and regulate waste management in their environment. Then from the trans depot to the Muara Fajar TPA, it is managed by the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK).

The municipal government also encourages that in each kelurahan there is a waste processing place "Reduce-Reuse-Recycle" (TPS3R). It is hoped that the waste from the household will be selected at TPS3R.

"Organic ones can become compost. What can be recycled will be resold. So, garbage that has no value or price has just been thrown into the Muara Fajar TPA," said Indra.

According to him, if all urban villages already have LPS, the garbage that goes to the TPA will no longer be much. Now, all the garbage has entered the Muara Fajar TPA.

"So, we have to improve management at the TPA," he said.

He hopes that the waste management cycle will start from community empowerment. Therefore, self-management of waste management will begin to be implemented on January 1, 2024.

"Because, the contracts for two garbage transportation companies expire on December 31, 2023," he said.

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