JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Forward Coalition National Campaign Team (TKN) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani ensured that public officials who entered the TKN management structure to win the Prabowo-Gibran pair would follow the rules, especially the obligation to leave or resign from their positions.
"We will follow all existing regulations. If they have to leave, they have to leave, such as Mas Gibran, who is on leave today, and those who are on the rules must resign, yes, step down," said Rosan after the announcement of the names of the TKN management in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, November 6.
Gibran Rakabuming Raka, bakal cawapres yang diusung bersama Prabowo Subianto oleh koalisi Indonesia Maju, saat ini masih aktif menjabat sebagai Wali Kota Surakarta. Dia yang dalam posisi cuti hadir dalam acara pengumanan nama-nam pengurusan TKN Koalisi Indonesia Maju di Jakarta, Senin.
The National Campaign Team (TKN) of the Forward Indonesia Coalition announced the names of the administrators whose total number reached 274 people.
The names are outside of high-ranking political party officials and administrators from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, as well as from retired TNI/Polri, groups of businessmen, technocrats, academics, and a number of public officials who are members of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet or outside the Cabinet.
In the structure of the TKN management of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, the names of ministers and deputy ministers who are included in the list are Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto (Director of Directors), Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Director), Deputy Minister of Manpower Afriansyah Noor (Deputy Chair of Strategic Coordinator), and Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni (Vice Chairman of Strategic Coordinator).
Outside the Cabinet, there are members of Wantimpres Habib Luthfi bin Ali bin Hasyim bin Yahya and Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) General TNI Retired. Wiranto, both of whom served as coaches, then there were members of the Wantimpres Putri Kuswisnu Wardani as advisors.
There is also the Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff for Information and Public Communication Juri Ardiantoro who is included in the list of TKN administrators as Deputy Chair of the Strategic Coordinator.
However, the jury submitted his resignation letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo through the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko as of today (Monday, November 6, 2023).
The National Campaign Team for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition in charge of winning the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair in Jakarta, Monday, announced 274 management names. Under the structure of the general chairman, Rosan Roeslani was assisted by the Chairman of the Strategic Coordinator Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, the Secretary of Nusron Wahid, and the General Treasurer Thomas AM Djiwandono.
In addition, a number of commanders in charge of seven divisions, namely Commander of Alpha (Terittorial) Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tanjung, Commander of Bravo (Communication) Budisatrio Djiwandono, Commander of Charlie (Scapping) Yandri Susanto, Commander of Delta (Supporting) Inspector General Pol. (Ret.) Yovianes Mahar, Commander of Echo (Hukum and Advocacy) Hinca IP Pandjaitan XIII, Commander of Fanta (Young Voter) M. Arief Rosyid, and Golf Commander (Relawan) Harisly Moti.
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