Ahead Of The Constitutional Court's Decision Next Week, PDIP Secretary General Hasto: Forts Of Democracy Cannot Be Sacrificed Because Of Family Relations


JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) was asked to make a fair decision regarding the alleged Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman and other judges on Tuesday, November 7. Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto reminded that the institution that acts as a fort of democracy must be guarded.

"We fully entrust the ethics court to make the best decision for justice," Hasto told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, November 3 night.

Hasto said that the Constitutional Court should not be castrated for any reason, let alone power. They are also not allowed to do manipulation which ultimately sacrifices the constitution.

The voice of the community, continued Hasto, must be heard before the MKMK makes a decision. "The MK is a bulwark of democracy so it cannot be castrated, there should be no manipulation, it should not be just because of family relations and then the law is sacrificed," he said.

"Be sure to listen to the people's voice. That's the best thing, listen to the people's voice so that elections run democratically without intimidation, take place in a jurdil and democratic manner," added Hasto

As previously reported, MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie said all evidence related to the alleged violation of the code of ethics by the Constitutional Court (MK) was complete. They have pocketed the testimony of witnesses and experts.

"Actually, if you are an expert, all the reporters are all experts," said Jimly, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

Jimly said it was not difficult to prove the case of alleged violation of the code of ethics by nine judges related to Case Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the age limit for the presidential/cawapres candidate at least 40 years or once/in a position chosen through general elections including regional head elections.

"Moreover, we have checked CCTV. Why are there changes that are then withdrawn? Why is there an internal chaos? Why do you have different opinions to come out (public, ed)," he said.

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