JAKARTA - The head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto, said that comparative data from the family was needed to reveal the identity of the discovery of the human skull and its bones.
"It is very important, there must even be (comparing data from the family)," Brigadier General Hariyanto told VOI, Friday, November 3.
In addition, the forensic team at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital is also still looking for other additional data from the Duren Sawit Police investigators.
"We are waiting for additional information. We don't know the cause of death yet," he said.
However, the skull and bones are still stored in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, there is no other examination process.
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"What do you want to check again. Wait for additional information," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the Duren Sawit Police had difficulty disclosing the discovery of their skulls and bones in a water channel, Jalan Raden Inten, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.
These obstacles range from the absence of a family who reported to the difficulty of searching for traces of the removal of the body that was found to be the bone.
"There is CCTV at the location, but nothing goes directly to the location," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police, AKP Indra to reporters, Tuesday, October 31.
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