
After the transfer of the blasphemy case, Panji Gumilang, by investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to the Indramayu District Attorney's Office, last Monday, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Indramayu suggested that the trial of Panji Gumilang not be held at the Indramayu District Court.

This was revealed by the Chairman of MUI Indramayu Kiai Haji Syatori. According to him, the Indramayu High Prosecutor's Office has asked MUI Indramayu for advice regarding the trial against Panji Gumilang.

MUI suggested that the trial of the Panji Gumilang blasphemy case could be held in Jakarta or in Bandung.

"Indeed, the case is in Indramayu, the rules are indeed being tried in Indramayu, even though the high prosecutor's office asks us for consideration, the trial should be in Indramayu, but our consideration is to propose a trial in Jakarta or Bandung," he said.

The reason for the trial of the Panji Gumilang case was not held in Indramayu, said Syatori, so that the situation and conditions in Indramayu were safe.

"The reason is that the situation and conditions (weather) are already hot, the politics is already warm, plus many residents have failed to harvest due to this weather, if there is a demonstration it must be dried up for an hour in the open, it will increase the emotions of the residents," he said.

Syatori added that turmoil in society could reappear if the court did not try Panji Gumilang who had clearly committed blasphemy.

"Hopefully there will be no more turmoil, unless the court judges it unfairly, there is partiality to Panji Gumilang, even though it is clear that his religious blasphemy does not recognize the Qur'an as the word of Allah," he added.

Syatori hopes that the government can try Panji Gumilang as fairly as possible so that the people of Indramayu do not clash again.

"We hope that the government, please try it as fairly as possible, if he is free as usual, this Indramayu land will run out," he hoped.

It is known that currently the Panji Gumilang case is being transferred to the Indramayu Kejari and deposited in the Class II B Indramayu Prison for 20 days, starting on October 30, 2023, with the status of a prosecutor's office.

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