
The North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Directorate team together with Tanjung Gusta Medan Prison arrested a prisoner with the initials TA (31) who was controlling the drug network from within detention.

"Napi di Lapas Tanjung Gusta itu diringkus petugas hasil pengembangan setelah ditangkapnya dua orang penyeluar narkotika jenis sabu, yakni SL (59) dan RH (33) di Jalan Lintas Sumatra, Desa Hessa Air Genting, Kecamatan Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara, pada Minggu (29/10)," kata Kabid Humas Polda Sumut Kombes Hadi Wahyudisir ANTARA, Rabu, 1 November.

Hadi said that from the arrest, personnel confiscated evidence of two packs of Guanyinwang tea packaging containing 2 kg of methamphetamine.

The two owners of evidence of narcotics weighing 2 kg of methamphetamine are father and son, of which the methamphetamine is controlled by a prisoner in Tanjung Gusta Prison, Medan.

"Receiving reports of prisoners controlling methamphetamine, North Sumatra Police personnel immediately followed up by coordinating with Tanjung Gusta Medan Prison, then arresting TA," he said.

Hadi added that the three perpetrators had been detained at the North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Directorate Headquarters along with 2 kg of methamphetamine evidence to undergo further examination.

"The North Sumatra Police continue to cooperate with related parties in eradicating drug trafficking and networks in the North Sumatra region," said Kombes Hadi.

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