
JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR RI supports the optimization of the integration of the Population Identification Number (NIK) with the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) which is a Ministry of Finance program through the Directorate General of Taxes. Even so, this integration must be accompanied by strengthening the security of personal data.

"Through effective coordination, we can ensure that the integration of NPWP and NIK is carried out in a sustainable manner and the Government can ensure the security of public personal data," said Member of Commission I DPR, Nurul Arifin, Tuesday (31/10/2023).

The plan is for all tax transactions to only use a NIK starting January 1, 2024. This does not mean that all people who have ID cards will be taxed, but taxes will only be imposed on those who already have income above taxless income (PTKP).

Based on data from the Directorate General of Taxes, the development of NIK-NPWP integration has been matched by 82%. The acceleration of this amount is expected to be completed in January 2024 as a step to use one single identity number to fulfill various matters, including taxation.

The regulation is contained in Law No. 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP) which is expected to facilitate the tax administration process. With this regulation, later only taxpayers with income above Non-Taxable Income (PTKP) are required to pay taxes, namely Rp. 54 million/year or above Rp. 4.5 million/month.

Nurul also appreciated the progress of data integration carried out by the Government. However, he reminded the need for a strict monitoring system so that there is no leakage of personal data in the single identity number integration program.

"Events of leakage of personal data are still homework for the Government, so special handling is needed regarding this matter. Do not let this integration harm the community because all personal data is one access," said Nurul.

Based on records from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), 311 cases of data leakage occurred in Indonesia in 2022. This number includes 283 incidents of alleged data leaks and 28 reports of proactive darkweb notifications. Of these, 248 stakeholders were affected by allegations of data leakage over the past year.

Therefore, Nurul emphasized the importance of securing people's personal data.

"Because the leak of personal data is dangerous and has a negative impact on the community. The government must ensure a layer of security with the integration of the NIK-NPWP, especially in the banking sector," said the legislator from the West Java I electoral district.

"What is even more dangerous is if the personal data is used to create a false identity which is then used to take action against the state. Such as acts of terrorism, which use false identities," continued Nurul.

The House of Representatives Commission in charge of defense, communication and informatics affairs also asked the Government to prepare various layers of security from the NIK-NPWP integration program. Nurul said the Government must have a safe and accurate system in the implementation of this program so that the benefits can be felt by the community.

"Although this integration can provide significant benefits in improving public services, it is important to ensure that this transition is carried out smoothly and efficiently," he said.

In order to maintain the security of personal data, Nurul also hopes that the Government will immediately form a Personal Data Protection Commission. This is in line with the mandate of Law No. 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (UU PDP).

"With the establishment of an institution or authority, the process of law enforcement and sanctions can be optimized immediately. This includes the need for the formation of derivative rules from the PDP Law so that this law can be implemented immediately without waiting for a deadline of two years after its ratification," said Nurul.

On the other hand, the integration of NIK-NPWP is also expected to maximize public services and social assistance. Nurul encourages the integration of NIK-NPWP to be used to optimize the distribution of social assistance so that social assistance to the people can be effective and on target.

"The integration of NIK and NPWP allows the Government to have access to more valid data on the population. This allows more precise identification related to community groups that meet the requirements to receive social assistance," he said.

Furthermore, Nurul assessed that the integration of NIK-NPWP will help reduce potential beneficiaries to get double assistance. With an integrated system, one's data will be more consistent and there will be no duplication.

"The integration of NPWP and NIK is a step forward in encouraging better public services and more efficient distribution of social assistance. By working together, we can ensure that the implementation of this program provides tangible benefits for all Indonesian people," concluded Nurul.

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