
NTB - Polda Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) has begun mapping the potential for vulnerabilities for the 2024 General Election in its territory. Highlights are aimed at potential for anarchic demonstrations.

"When it comes to demonstrations, expressing opinions, it is a natural thing, I say there is no problem, as long as it is not anarchic," said the NTB Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General of Police Raden Umar Faroq starting in Mataram, NTB, Friday 27 Ottober, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the potential for such vulnerability can disrupt public order and damage the image of the NTB area which is already famous for its beautiful tourist destinations.

"If there are demonstrators who are anarchic, it's like breaking their own plates. Why? NTB is a tourism destination, then there is also a mining sector in the Sumbawa area. So, it's a shame if NTB residents don't mitigate properly, they can't manage that potential well," he said.

Therefore, the NTB Police Chief invited the entire community to support the police's efforts to maintain the situation which is currently conducive.

"Let's manage it together, without community support, we and the government cannot work to improve NTB development," he said.

By paying such attention, Inspector General Pol. Faroq advised all police officers on duty in NTB to support security duties in the 2024 election contestation.

"No matter how small the problem, don't let it go, I have the principle, put out the fire before it flares. So, every small problem must be responded to quickly. Come quickly, it will be handled right," he said.

To personnel, especially those in direct contact with the community, the NTB Police Chief reminded them to continue to prioritize a humanist and neutral attitude.

"Although there is the discretion of members in the field, in solving community problems, members must remain in the middle," he said.

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