JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Gelora Party Fahri Hamzah said that the prospective vice presidential candidate (cawapres) from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Gibran Rakabuming did not leave the PDI-P (PDIP).
"Mas Gibran is clear, not leaving the party (PDIP)," said Fahri at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Thursday, October 26.
Regarding Gibran's status, Fahri said that no provisions were violated, even regulations did not require the presidential or vice presidential candidates to be bound by political parties.
"That's why there are so many people, many don't have parties, like Mas Anies Baswedan, he's a candidate (president), so there's no real problem," he said.
According to him, Gibran's status is similar to Jusuf Kalla's (JK) candidacy as a vice presidential candidate accompanying Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in the 2004 presidential election. Where, JK is a Golkar Party cadre who at that time actually decided to carry Wiranto.
"In the past, there was the story of Mr. JK (Jusuf Kalla) who was once a participant in the Golkar Party convention, defeated by Mr. Wiranto, but then he became his deputy, Mr. SBY against Pak Wiranto, he won, not long after that he became the chairman of Golkar," he said.
Fahri considered that PDIP was a big party so it was natural for the cadres to then spread.
"In fact, PDIP may be because the party is big, so the cadres can indeed spread everywhere, right, it could be like that," he said.
Previously, last Wednesday, PDI-P DPP Chair Puan Maharani said Gibran did not submit his resignation as a PDIP cadre, where Gibran's position is currently officially a candidate for vice president Prabowo Subianto.
"There is no resignation, and we also see that only congratulations I can convey to Mas Gibran," said Puan in Jakarta.
According to Puan, Gibran did not return the PDI-P Membership Card (KTA) to himself or to party officials. He also did not see Gibran officially joining other parties.
"There is no return of the KTA, nothing. Just saying goodbye to become Mr. Prabowo's vice presidential candidate," he said.
Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka will become pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) consisting of the Gerindra Party, Golkar Party, Democratic Party, National Mandate Party (PAN), Crescent Star Party (PBB), Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), Garuda Party, Indonesian Gelora Party, and one local party, namely the Aceh Party.
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