
JAKARTA - A Persian-speaking Iranian website opens online registration for volunteers to be sent to help Palestinians fight against Israel.

The site's display is divided into two, the left side features a young man wearing an army uniform and scarf, preparing to wear a headband that reads 'Al Quds'. On his right chest there is a pin-like image featuring a late Major General Qassem Soleimani, one of the senior commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) who died in the US drone strike in Iraq in 2020. In the upper left corner there is an image of the Palestinian flag, the symbol of love and the Iranian flag.

While on the right side, the top displays the online count of those who have registered are ready to support. As of Wednesday afternoon when seen by VOI, the number of those who registered had reached 6,331,7119 people.

Below it is an explanation of ways to convey support as well as willingness to be sent to Palestine, helping them to restore dignity and self-esteem.

Then in the lower column, there is a form of filling in the name, cell phone number, province and city. Next, there is a choice of what kind of woman or man to look like.

After that, there is a short column asking what you will do to support the Palestinian people.

"There are indications that the recruitment was carried out by the IRGC," Middle East observer Faisal Assegaf said by telephone from Iran to VOI, Thursday, July 26.

Faisal said this was a form of real support from Iran, in this case the ruling government, not the Iranian people.

He explained that those recruited were said to be sent to war to Palestine. However, it has not been stated when and how they will be sent.

Reflecting on previous experiences, similar recruitment is said to have been done before, such as to Yemen and Syria.

"For example, if one goes to Syria, it's a different case, it's an Afghan refugee who is trained to be sent," he said.

It is known, Iran is known as one of the main Palestinian supporters in its conflict against Israel. The Israeli side has long accused Tehran of being the main source of support and finance for the militant group Hamas.

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