Susanto Former KPAI Chair Makes Antibullying Movement, This Is Her Activity
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susanto, MA. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)


JAKARTA - Many cases of bullying or bullying make Assoc concerned. Prof. Dr. Susanto, MA, Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) for the 2017-2022 period. He and his team launched the Anti- Bullying Pioneer Movement.

Bullying in school-age is still a serious problem in Indonesia. Bullying cases in Cilacap, Central Java, which have attracted national attention, are just one example of this problem that has surfaced to the public. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the majority of students who experience bullying, or often referred to as bullying, in Indonesia are men.

The percentage of bullying cases in the 5th grade elementary school student category in male students reached 31.6 percent, while female students reached 21.64 percent, and nationally was 26.8 percent. The percentage of bullying cases in the 8th grade of junior high school students in male students reached 32.22 percent, which is the highest number among all class and sex categories. While female students reached 19.97 percent, and nationally reached 26.32 percent.

To overcome this serious problem, there needs to be a role more than just teachers and parents. Student leadership in an effort to overcome cases of bullying in schools and madrasas is very important to minimize and even stop bullying. As a form of calling as a citizen, Susanto has launched the Anti- Bullying Pioneer Movement through the National Anti- Bullying Olympics for elementary/mi, junior high school/mTs, and SMA/SMK/MA students. This movement will be held by the Champion.

Untuk menjadi pelopor anti bullying, peserta harus mengikuti langkah-langkah tertentu. Pertama, peserta dapat mengakses situs web Sang Juara Selanjutnya, peserta harus mendaftar untuk mengikuti ujian kompetensi dasar (TKD) anti bullying dengan menjawab soal kompetisi online yang telah disediakan melalui sistem Sang Juara.

The results of the exam will be available on the ranking menu. Participants who won the Gold Medal will receive National Level Free Technical Guidance related to the effective Bullying Prevention Strategy at the School/Madrasah/Pesantren, delivered by selected resource persons and national figures. In addition, the best participants will receive an educational scholarship from the Central Foundation of the Champion.

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