
JAKARTA - Commission V DPR RI suspects that the lack of infrastructure supervision could trigger the Argo Semeru Train (KA) accident in Kulon Progo Regency, DI Yogyakarta which came off the tracks and was hit by Argo Wilis train.

"This is a reminder for the Government and PT KAI as service providers of the importance of infrastructure maintenance in our railway system for the safety of the community," said Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR Andi Iwan Darmawan Aras, Friday, October 20.

The Argo Semeru train and Argo Wilis train accidents on Tuesday (17/10) left 31 train passengers injured. The accident also left many prospective train passengers canceling the purchase of tickets for their planned trip.

According to the police, the trigger for the fall of the Argo Semeru train which ended up being hit by the Argo Wilis train was allegedly due to erosion of railroad pads. As a result, the Argo Semeru train, the Surabaya Gubeng-Gambir Jakarta relationship, became tilted and fell because one of the train carriages slipped off the tracks.

PT KAI is still investigating the cause of the accident in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT). The provisional result, the possible cause of the accident is due to the hot heat that makes the rails overflow.

Iwan Aras also poked at PT KAI which was not anticipating hot weather. As an operator, PT KAI should carry out extra handling with the long dry phenomenon.

"It should be anticipated. Already know we are facing a prolonged dryness of the impact of El Nino, treatment should be carried out more than usual. Because the hot heat as it is today can make the rails overflow so that it is prone to accidents," he explained.

Not only PT KAI, Iwan also mentioned the role of the Ministry of Transportation, especially the Directorate General of Railways. The government is reminded to extra supervise the infrastructure system of all modes of transportation so that they remain safe in all seasons.

"The lack of maximum supervision usually makes the operator careless. Even though our condition is not doing well," said Iwan Aras.

"Extreme weather due to climate change has hit all countries in the world, so all sectors related to people's lives must be prepared," he added.

Iwan reminded the public to put their life safety trust in the Government and transportation service providers when traveling. The trust that has been given by the community must always be maintained.

He added that PT KAI and the Ministry of Transportation were also considered to have the right investment in the maintenance element of all railway infrastructure, including the rail which is a special road for trains. Although there has been no official result on the cause of the accident, Iwan said that the evaluation must be carried out quickly.

"There are many causes that can occur that have resulted in this accident. But what is certain is that there must be an evaluation of long-distance rail lines so that incidents like yesterday do not happen again," he said.

Iwan assessed that the follow-up from PT KAI and the Ministry of Transportation was awaited by the public. Repair measures will also restore public trust in rail transportation modes.

"And of course to provide comfort and safety guarantees for people who choose trains as their mode of travel transportation," said Iwan Aras.

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