
JAYAPURA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) attacked by shooting at workers for the puskesmas construction project in the Head of Water, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.

Head of Damai Cartenz Ops Kombes Faizal Ramadhani said the attack resulted in one person dying and two people being injured by arrows. While 19 others managed to survive.

"It is true, Thursday afternoon there was an attack on the construction workers of the Head of Water Health Center in Puncak Regency," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 19.

Head of Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu Suseno said the attack occurred at around 13.00 WIT when his party received a report from the survivors.

"They reported to our Kotis Post in Ilaga that they had been attacked by the KKB using firearms and sharp weapons (bars and arrows)," he said.

He explained that after the members received the report, the joint Cartenz Peace Task Force team of the Indonesian National Police went straight to the location of the attack.

At 15.00 WIT, all personnel were gathered and then went to the TKP to rescue two workers who had not been found.

"After searching, we found that one worker had died known as Oto and another person was found hiding in the bushes but was hit by arrows," he said.

The victim died and two people who were injured have been evacuated to the Puncak Hospital, while 19 workers who survived were secured at the Puncak Police.

"We will ask the victims for information for the identification of the perpetrators and we will process the law enforcement against the KKB of the Water Head Region group," he said.

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