
YOGYAKARTA - The CPNS test has been a moment that many people have been waiting for. This is natural because remembering being a civil servant can provide us with a lot of benefits, and do you know what the signs of passing the 2023 CPNS administration selection are like?

Many are looking for links and check methods for passing the CPNS administration selection and PPPK.

This was done after the previous registration of CPNS and PPPK was officially closed.

The registration closure began on October 11, 2023, some time ago.

After that, the stages that will be carried out are by choosing the administration from the applicant.

The administrative selection will take place on September 20 until it ends on October 14, 2023.

Later, the announcement of applicants who are declared to have passed the session will take place on October 15-18, 2023.

To identify the sign of applicants who pass so that they can identify the tip of checking the announcement first.

In more detail, here are how to check announcements and pass the 2023 CPNS administrative selection:

- Enter using the SSCASN link

-Do the login process

- Enter NIK and password

- Click the Login menu

- If it goes out, a sign will appear on the main screen.

Reporting from the official data from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), the sign that participants passed the 2023 CPNS administration selection, namely the following validity data emerged:

"Congratulations! You passed the file administration stage".

Under the explanation, there is an Account Information Card Print button and Registration Card Print CASN, and the next one can print a 2023 CPNS Exam Card. The 2023 CPNS exam card can be downloaded and printed after the refutation period ends, and if the rebuttal and rebuttal verification period is not over, the following data will appear:

"Currently, the printing of your CASN Test Participants Card cannot be done. Please log in again when the refutation and verification period ends to print the 2023 CASN Test Participants Card".

When Will The 2023 CPNS Administration Results Come Out?

Announcement of the results of choosing the 2023 CPNS administration began to be received by registrants. Sourced on its official agenda, this announcement was made from 15 to 18 October 2023.

Successful participants should start preparing themselves to carry out further choice, namely SKD for CPNS and Select Competency for PPPK. However, if it is not successful, you can carry out a rebuttal of results that will start on 19-21 October 2023.

Then what if you haven't received the results at all? Through his official Instagram article on October 16, 2023, the National Civil Service Agency announced that the announcement on the SSCASN portal could be too late.

Where To See The 2023 CPNS Administration Announcement?

To see the announcement of the results of selecting the 2023 CPNS administration, it can be accessed via the official SSCASN page, sscasn.bkn.go.id. Not only that, but the announcement can also be checked through the official agency page.

So after knowing the sign of passing the 2023 CPNS administrative selection, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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